Emilija Bložytė
I am interested in how neuropsychological mechanisms, cognitions, and environments interact to shape perception and guide decisions.
I'm currently part of the Computational Psychiatry, Neuroimaging and Sleep Lab (CoPsyN) at Stanford University, working as a Clinical Research and Neuroimaging Coordinator.
My particular focus has been on investigating the complexities of addictive behaviors, including behavioral addictions, substance addictions, and restrictive eating disorders, which have elements of both of the latter. In this area of investigation, my attention was naturally drawn to emotion regulation and inhibitory control, which subsequently led to sleep, an essential component in executive control of cognitions and emotions. I am endlessly curious about the cognitive schemas and neuropsychological mechanisms behind any higher-order human decisions. Yet, it remains crucial that my work extends beyond mere indulgence of curiosity to tangible utility. I aspire to enhance addiction treatment by working toward more inclusive and accessible interventions, designed to cater to diverse populations beyond the W.E.I.R.D. (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) demographic.
Things I like
age 0-15 Vilnius, Lithuania
age 15-16 Stuttgart, Germany
age 16-18 Vilnius again
age 18-20 New York, NY
age 20-21 Auckland, New Zealand
age 21-23 New York again
age 23-25 San Francisco, CA
(646) 752 - 7133